I should just be grateful that…
Having my emotions and experiences minimised by others is completely deflating and leaves me feeling pretty unimportant. The effect is even more significant when I am the one minimising my feelings.
We often treat empathy as a limited resource. That if we dare show care and concern for our own circumstances and emotions, that it will mean that we are unable to be empathic towards others. .
To paraphrase the wise and eloquent Brene Brown - that's bullsh*t!
Brene's research shows us that we can only be genuinely empathic towards others when we have first shown empathy to ourselves. If we don't acknowledge our own experiences and treat ourselves with care, we cant freely hold space for anyone else.
It is always easy to find examples of other people who are worse off than us. It doesn't benefit anyone for us to justify ignoring our own needs for processing and healing. .
So go on, allow yourself to feel all the feelings. It is the best way to move through them, only then can you get on with the important business of being a good human.
Experiment with it here. What is the crappy thing in your life right now? Share it below and notice if it feels any different...